Central East Illinois Meet 2
Team Rankings

RankTeam #Team NameQPRPHighestMatches
15202Zip TIE Fighters84901735
311373PowerSurge 2.083911535
49506Quadratic Crushers82851135
511496MacArthur High School63821735
612918Iron C.O.R.E.63491855
710303Robot Rebellion63371655
811072Fe ArSeNAl43081175
910146Invader Bots42341005
1011289Rochester Robocatz22911855
1113063PowerSurge - Flash0285985
1211463Eisenhower High School0278805

QP (Total Qualification Points) - 2 Points for a WIN, 1 Point for a TIE, 0 Points for a LOSS.

RP (Total Ranking Points) - Ranking points are awarded using the losing alliance's score in each match.

Highest (Highest Match Score) - The highest match score awarded to the team.

Matches Played does not include surrogate matches.

FTC Scoring Software © 2017-2018 FIRST®
Team Rankings generated at 12/09/17 11:36:50 AM