Illinois Power Play State Championship Judging and Inspection Schedule

Number Name Judging Time Judging Room Inspection Time
3507 Robotheosis 7:20 PM F100 7:45 PM
5037 got robot? 7:20 PM F204 7:45 PM
6198 Bread Admirers 7:20 PM F115 7:45 PM
6200 Despicable Machine 6:55 PM F110 7:20 PM
7006 RoboTitans 6:55 PM F204 7:20 PM
7129 Robo Raiders 6:55 PM F102 7:20 PM
7715 Robotic Lions 7:45 PM F110 8:20 PM
8620 Wormgear Warriors 8:20 PM F100 6:30 PM
9410 Frank's Garage 7:45 PM F114 8:20 PM
9929 TNT (Tech Ninja Team) 6:30 PM F110 6:55 PM
10091 N.Y.A.N. Robotics - Not Your Average Nerds 7:20 PM F112 7:45 PM
10101 Binary Bullets 7:45 PM F113 8:20 PM
10138 Newton Busters 6:30 PM F113 6:55 PM
10415 Warbots 7:45 PM F100 8:20 PM
10635 Unknown Element 6:30 PM F102 6:55 PM
10836 STEMper Fi 6:55 PM F113 7:20 PM
12868 Ironclad 6:55 PM F115 7:20 PM
13365 Gearheads 7:20 PM F102 7:45 PM
13699 RoboGrizzlies 8:20 PM F112 6:30 PM
14204 Super Scream Bros 7:45 PM F112 8:20 PM
14360 Sprockets & Screws 8:20 PM F102 6:30 PM
14401 Wildcat Robotics 7:45 PM F102 8:20 PM
14469 HOW 8:20 PM F113 6:30 PM
14614 Electro 6:55 PM F100 7:20 PM
15005 Technophobia 6:55 PM F112 7:20 PM
15282 Bobcats Robotics Varsity 6:30 PM F204 6:55 PM
16244 The TrailBlazers 8:20 PM F110 6:30 PM
16277 Tekon 7:20 PM F113 7:45 PM
17403 LP Roarbotics 8:20 PM F114 6:30 PM
17576 TITANS (Tomorrow’s Innovators and Thinkers Acquiring New Skills). 7:20 PM F114 7:45 PM
18183 Rounded Cube 6:30 PM F112 6:55 PM
18255 Stealth Robotics 7:20 PM F110 7:45 PM
18523 Vertigo 6:30 PM F114 6:55 PM
18529 Rust In Piece Robotics 6:30 PM F115 6:55 PM
19168 TOTUS 1 TUUS 6:55 PM F114 7:20 PM
19938 Knights of the Ping Pong Table 7:45 PM F204 6:30 PM
20674 Ogden Varsity 7:45 PM F115 6:30 PM