Illinois Rover Ruckus State Championship Judging and Inspection Schedule

Number Name Judging Time Judging Room Inspection Time
116 Crazy Eights 7:20 PM F102 7:45 PM
3507 Robotheosis 6:30 PM F100 6:55 PM
4965 Animatores Romani 6:30 PM F110 6:55 PM
5037 got robot? 7:20 PM F123 7:45 PM
6007 Eighty Nine Degrees 8:10 PM F102 6:30 PM
6287 Vertigo 6:55 PM F102 7:20 PM
6596 Robotic Rams 7:20 PM F100 7:45 PM
7006 RoboTitans 7:20 PM F204 7:45 PM
7030 RoboMinds 6:30 PM F210 6:55 PM
7129 Robo Raiders 7:20 PM F110 7:45 PM
8620 Wormgear Warriors 7:45 PM F102 8:10 PM
8907 Blue Box Bots 6:55 PM F123 7:20 PM
9411 Rolling Thunder 7:45 PM F110 6:30 PM
9929 TNT (Tech Ninja Team) 7:45 PM F115 8:10 PM
10091 N.Y.A.N. Robotics - Not Your Average Nerds 6:30 PM F123 6:55 PM
10101 Binary Bullets 8:10 PM F204 6:30 PM
10138 Newton Busters 7:45 PM F125 8:10 PM
10253 Bobcats Robotics Varsity 6:30 PM F124 6:55 PM
10268 Gearaffes 6:55 PM F204 7:20 PM
10387 Red Hot 6:30 PM F102 6:55 PM
10510 I'm BOTman 6:55 PM F110 7:20 PM
10635 Unknown Element 8:10 PM F115 7:20 PM
10836 STEMper Fi 7:20 PM F115 7:45 PM
11072 Fe ArSeNAl 7:45 PM F123 8:10 PM
11139 Knight Owls 8:10 PM F123 6:30 PM
11177 Gear Grinders 6:30 PM F204 6:55 PM
11392 Defenestration 6:55 PM F210 7:45 PM
12644 ProtoRobotics 6:30 PM F125 6:55 PM
12682 The Golden Ratio 6:55 PM F125 7:20 PM
12913 DA Ex Bots 6:55 PM F100 7:20 PM
12918 Iron CORE Mark VII 6:30 PM F115 6:55 PM
13197 T.E.S.L.A.S (Tomorrow's Engineers & Scientists Learning About STEM) 6:55 PM F124 7:20 PM
13296 Ti-Gears 7:45 PM F210 8:10 PM
13365 Gearheads #13365 FTC Team 7:45 PM F124 8:10 PM
13829 Solorio Robotics 8:10 PM F110 6:30 PM
13836 TF South Robotics 6:55 PM F115 7:20 PM
14256 SWOLLBOTS 7:45 PM F204 8:10 PM
14495 Monkey Engineers 7:20 PM F210 6:30 PM
14614 Electro 7:20 PM F124 7:45 PM
14615 Turbo Charged 7:20 PM F125 7:45 PM
14683 Lincoln-Way Central Robotics and Engineering Team 8:10 PM F124 6:30 PM
15005 Technophobia 8:10 PM F125 6:30 PM
15094 JCP Robo-Eagles 7:45 PM F100 8:10 PM
15159 We Byte 8:10 PM F100 6:30 PM